Moving with Stantec

$0 donated
Started around 10 months ago

Participating in Let's Get Stantec Moving


Here to move and help move!

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Activity tracking

Time spent exercising: 29 hrs
Total distance covered: 32.5 km
Total steps taken: 28,000

Latest activity

Golf - Redwoods  26 November 2023

5 hrs
15,000 steps

View 3 more activities

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Member of

Stantec Auckland + Whangārei

Participating in Let's Get Stantec Moving

Participating in

Let's Get Stantec Moving

Let's Get Stantec NZ Moving, is a nationwide office competition to become more active.

Latest donations

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Who's involved?

Charles Clague's avatar
Created by Charles Clague
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 27 Nov 2023 and ended on 4 Dec 2023.