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Mt Everest Challenge 2018 for Waipuna Hospice

  • Climb 28

      13 March 2018
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    Just 10 more to go!

    I’m taking a week off to go on holiday so I’ll see you soon with more climbing!

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  • Climb 21

      4 March 2018
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    Woohoo over half way feels good, can’t believe I’ve got this far!

    I won’t say it’s been easy, some days easier than others, some days plain hard work, but every day I’m inspired by the people I see climbing.

    People of all ages, all shapes, all sizes, all races. People who are super fit, people who aren’t. And people who are just getting out there and doing it. Making the most of their beautiful bodies and our beautiful town.

    And I have to end with this:

    A journey begins with a single step, be brave and take it, you never know where you may end up and who you may meet on the way.

    Big love to you all!

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  • Climb 15

      28 February 2018
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    Climb 15

    This one is for Josh, who sadly lost his life last Saturday in a paragliding accident at the Mount. I wish his family, fiancé and friends peace on their healing journey.

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  • Climb 14

      22 February 2018
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    Climb 14

    Highlights and lowlights


    Everything hurts today.

    Sore feet

    Sore knees

    Sore thighs

    Sore calves

    It’s an effort!

    There’s a traffic jam on the way home as a logging truck loses his rear load of logs and tips at roundabout


    The collection of bare chested football players outside the Surf club today

    Picking up my free singlet

    Getting home for a rest

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  • Climb 13

      21 February 2018
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    Climb 13

    1/3 of the way in! Yahoo!

    Feeling it in my legs and butt.

    Walking up is getting easier and am doing runs up the steepest bits and stairs now (to make them go faster!), I am still enjoying the climbs, and the magic scenery.

    Today the view out to Tuhua (Mayor Island) was stunning.

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  • Climb 12

      20 February 2018
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    Climb 12

    It’s a beautiful day.

    Birds and breeze today.

    Dramatic cloudscape at the summit and VERY enjoyable gusts of wind.

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  • Climb 11

      19 February 2018
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    Monday morning = my time.

    Loving this time I am taking for myself, it’s something I’ve struggled to do since having kids and making everything else a priority first. I look forward to arriving at this beautiful mountain each day and enjoying my own company and time for me, as I climb, today it was cooling off at Pilot Bay that made it magic!

    2 huge cruise ships in, and the Mount was busy with tourists, languages and chatter.

    The summit just as glorious.

    Made me laugh when a Mum sat behind me with her 5 week old baby strapped to her front who proceeded to fart several times, I imagine that made for a very stinky climb down. 😂😖

    Great to see you heading up Kerryn Swift and met at old workmate who is doing the challenge at the top too.

    27 to go....

    Do you have time for a small donation, $3 or the cost of a coffee for all my likers who are following my posts?

    Here’s the link:

    Shoutout to those awesome people who have already made a donation thanks so much you rock!

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  • Climb 10

      18 February 2018
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    Climb 10 - Dawn walk with Jill

    Early start this morning at 4.45 to head to the Mount with my beautiful friend Jill.

    Jill volunteers at Waipuna Hospice, doing amazing work with people in the final stages of life. Love your work Jill and couldn’t think of a better reason to get up early than do this with you! Thanks for joining me.

    The cruise ship coming in through the dark was a surprise, and the heat of the climb surprised us both even at this time of the day we worked up a good sweat.

    Worth every drop though when you see the beauty of the morning light.

    Even the sheep were still asleep.

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  • Climb 9

      17 February 2018
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    After a day off it was fine to head up this morning with Mia. Beautiful still calm morning with so many fishing boats out. And just as we reached the turn to Matakana Island the loud sound of an incoming cruise ship honking at the tug boat in front. We stopped and stood watching in awe at the sheer size of these beautiful ships.

    Immense in size, you can’t really appreciate them until they are right there in front of you in all their glory.

    Mia showed me up taking the lead easily and making it look like a walk in the park, beating me to the top and waiting for me again.

    Packed at the summit today plenty of people walked up today, busier than during the week.

    Until tomorrow enjoy the weekend

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  • Climb 7&8

      15 February 2018
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    My first double climb.

    I think it’s the most I have sweated in my entire life.

    Beautiful day - would have preferred to have been on the sailboat that went cruising past though as I was about half way up climb #2.

    Feeling proud, fitter and bloody knackered!

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  • Climb 6 Valentines Day

      14 February 2018
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    Climb 6-the Valentine Day climb

    This climb is for the love of my life.

    Lance Picard. You rock my world!

    Always have and always will.

    Today’s walk up:

    It was hot and steamy (much like you!)

    It had beautiful moments, (much like us!)

    It had challenges, (yip definitely plenty of those too).

    You just don’t give up. (You know it!).

    At the end of the day, you do your best , and it’s always enough.

    Celebrate and appreciate the love in your life in whatever shape or form it takes.......


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  • Climb 5

      13 February 2018
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    Climb 5 - “Inspiration”

    A much more enjoyable climb today with lower temperature and a mild breeze and the cloud cover gone so I could appreciate the stunning Matakana Island in its glory, got to the top and met a lovely Dutch man in his 70’s with his walking stick, asked him how many times he had climbed up, “I’m here for 3 weeks holiday and I’ve climbed 4 times already, and you know what, I think I’ll do a few more too!”, I told him what an inspiration he was! I hope I’m able to climb up when I’m that old.

    So running down (getting the runners high now!) & I’m almost at the bottom steps and a lady comes running up and hugs me, great to see you Lyn, “I’ve been watching your posts and haven’t climbed in 3 years, but you & your girls have inspired me Suzy!”

    Perhaps this may get you inspired to climb your own Mt Everest, to move, try something new, push outside your comfort zone, and help the world in some little way.

    Here’s one way to help with your small donation to Waipuna hospice it would be greatly appreciated:

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  • Climb 3

      11 February 2018
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    Magic at the top of the Mount this morning.

    No view to enjoy just the clouds surrounding us.

    On the way up we rested beside a tree that had 5 tui playing in it.

    We took a different route up for a change and came back down the steps.

    Katy was shattered at the top and took a Powernap.

    The climbs are getting a little easier and I wake up in the morning looking forward to doing it.

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  • Climb 2

      10 February 2018
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    Climb 2 with my favourite little people! Mia was off like a rocket and waited for us at the summit. Such a great effort!

    Katy and I enjoyed taking in our surroundings on the way up, stopping to touch plants, admire spider webs, check out the view, watch the sheep stopping foot traffic on the path, listen to the Tui and rest. It’s a big climb for little legs and the promise of Copenhagen Cones ice cream after was enough of an incentive to inspire persistence.

    40 minutes later we were at the summit standing inside a cloud! A pretty majestic experience!

    So proud of the girls for doing this with me.

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  • Climb One

      10 February 2018
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    Great day for it, overcast, climbed up in 22 minutes, big waves and surfers out and huge cruise ship in the harbour at Pilot Bay, thanks for your company Kerryn Swift.

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