Help me raise $2000 for Riding for the disabled, while I sweat it out
Bay of Plenty
My year started with the typical bluster of NY resolutions... I decided I'd try to climb the Mount 3 times a week - Call it a round 150 with a couple of weeks off for good measure. My brother then started his own personal campaign of 10,000 push ups that proved to be contagious... I agreed to do 6000 of those as well... Then my wife introduced me to the Mt Everest Challenge. Why not - I'm on a mission and why not support a great cause as well.
My three daughters are all into horse riding and I think it's a unique sport that allows people to connect with nature and enjoy physically engaging outdoor activity. There is no question it is also very therapeutic and helpful for people with mental and physical disability - keep up the good work RDA.
My three daughters all ride horses and the older two attend Greerton Pony Club. We think RDA provides a good opportunity for the Disabled to engage with animals and share in the joy of horse riding.
The Mount Everest Challenge is back! Join us and Climb the Mount 38 times in 50 days to raise money for Tauranga Riding for the Disabled.