Fundraising for Save Mt Ruapehu Skifields
The North Island needs skifields for wintersports. Mt Ruapehu Alpine Lifts (RAL) company is in voluntary administration and the watershed meeting with PWC et al is in early May. MBIE, Iwi and volunteers talks are critical and time has nearly run out for resolution. If we fail to find a solution all assets will be removed, skiing will not be permitted and the upper mountain will be inaccessible by most, even in summer.
The admins need financial help to negotiate outcomes, consider purchase as a NEWCO or other options. The gondola and beautiful skifield assets, including all clubs in doubt, will be sold to cover debt, and the mountain closed for skiers. The cost to remove these assets is around 100 million tax payer dollars. Isn't it better to try to keep these?
Your financial help would support positive business outcomes, and could be pivotal in helping keep the two north island skifields, supporting local employment and expertise, supporting communities and family recreational futures, and supporting the future potential of places such as the Chateau Tongariro and other NZ heritage assets.