No excuses Everest Challenge!! Let's make a difference!

$30 of $500 goal
Given by 1 generous donor in 8 weeks

Lets do this!! It is for the right reasons and come on people!! We all have it pretty sweet and no reason not to give our time or money x

Bay of Plenty

Let's be honest - we all have it pretty sweet. We all have legs that work, jobs and a roof over our heads. We take all of this for granted every single day, myself included.

Some people are so sick they need assistance just to eat or so tired they can't talk. That is what it comes down to at the hospice. I have had a dear friend to me pass away there just over a year ago and I am doing this for her.

She was an amazing woman with a huge spirit and the most kind heart you could imagine. She would do this for anyone if they asked... she didn't like people making a fuss... but too bad chick!

I am going to do it for her, because she was amazing and a beautiful soul and I know she will be watching me shaking her head saying I am crazy and that makes me happy.

If I can help make others lives more comfortable when they are unwell I will do it. I don't have any reason/excuse not to and neither should anyone else. I will accomplish this challenge and I encourage others to do the same. Donate money. YOU make all the difference. No matter how small the donation it is better than nothing x

Thanks and I hope to see you up there!! I'll be the bright red tomato! Say hi :) We are all in this together.

Monique McCarthy's involvement (page creator)

I had a friend pass away last year and used Waipuna Hospice. They do a wonderful job and I want to help make a difference and realise that yes it is hard to walk up the mount 38 times but not impossible... we are alive, healthy and can do some good!!! So why wouldn't we?? Walking up the mount is nothing compared to what people go through at the hospice.

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The Mount Everest Challenge 2018

The Mount Everest Challenge is back! Join us and Climb the Mount 38 times in 50 days to raise money for Waipuna Hospice.

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Guest Donor on 27 Feb 2018

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This campaign started on 8 Feb 2018 and ended on 7 Apr 2018.