Participating in Mount Everest Challenge 2023
Otumoetai, Tauranga
My motivation is simple!...I like helping people if I can and I enjoy walking up the Mount, so putting the two together is a perfect match! Help me help others!
Mount Everest Challenge 2024 in full swing! 19 February 2024
Good morning,
We are now in week two of our Mount Everest Challenge for 2024! It's our 10 year anniversary this year, so we are really gunning for an exciting and successful campaign!
You can find all info surrounding our Everest Challenge this year on our website at the below address:
Keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram pages for updates and chances to win!
To check out this years givealittle, donate or register, visit the link below:
We're looking forward to another great year! See you at the top!
Walk, run or crawl up the Mount 38 times in 50 days while raising much needed funds for Live for More.
Thank you so much. I appreciate you believing in me. Live for more was my weriweri as I was trying to do as much as I could to help our rangatahi. Krista, Megan and the team were always behind me, cheering me on. Megan even came on my last climb. The whole challenge was awesome!
Thank you Blair. Much appreciated mate. It was worth each and every step!
Thank you Clinton and Tania. It was great meeting you as well! Having people like yourselves to talk to as I walked the tracks always helped make it easier! Thank you.
Thank you Krista and Jared. I've enjoyed doing what I could for you and Live for More. Seeing you Krista, on Mauao, with your positive, friendly nature helped me as well, many times. I'm happy to come talk to the guys.
Thank you Megan. I really appreciated your company today as I did my final climb. It made it all more worth while!