Help James' family buy a mobility van. James health is deteriorating as his body struggles with a Neuromuscular condition.
We’ve got a really special cause and it’s not a huge amount of money needed, so we can easily make a real difference in one family’s life today. Within the next few hours we can lift a huge weight off their shoulders. How, read on…
James is a 4yr old boy with an extremely rare condition that is affecting his brain, and subsequently his nerves and muscles. Doctors still have no name they can give his condition. It has been, and continues to be, extremely scary, sad and frustrating for everyone involved.
It began in July 2016 when James’ parents Nicola and Graeme noticed that James, then aged 3, was losing his ability to swallow food and that he was losing his balance whilst walking. Fast forward to June 2017 and he has lost his ability to walk, form sentences and has to be fed through a key port directly into his stomach.
James now relies on a wheelchair to get around. Just this past month his ability to crawl has gone. Because of this he uses a power wheelchair, which is big and not able to be folded or broken down for transporting.
James currently has weekly physio and occupational therapy appointments, and in the past 2 months has required stays in hospital as his condition diminishes.
As a family of 5 they can no longer use the family car to take James out, and have been busy fundraising for a mobility van to get his wheelchair into.
Now James’ parents Graeme and Nicola need a little more help. They have been given the opportunity to buy the mobility van they have been using to get James to all his appointments and only need $5,000 more. If they can’t raise the funds they won’t be able to get James to his appointments or even go out as a family as his wheelchair won’t fit in their family car.
Let’s get James and his family the last $5,000 they need to keep functioning as a family.
We are the One Dollar Warriors.