Orphans Aid International

$1,691 donated
Given by 18 generous donors in around 4 months

Supporting Orphans Aid International with my own challenge - running the Luxmore Grunt this December. Help me get to the top and back!!


Our family are supporters of Orphans Aid International and friends with Co-Founder and CEO of Orphans Aid International Sue van Schreven. Last year my wife, Heather and daughter, Alisha climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa, with a group of 16 people to raise money for and celebrate 15 years of Orphans Aid International. We really respect the work that Sue and her team are doing and the orphans and families that they are supporting and helping through their organisation. We wanted to do something else to help support the organisation this year so I have come up with my own mountain to climb - 'The Luxmore Grunt Challenge'.

I have entered the Luxmore Grunt which is a race 5th December this year on part of the Kepler Track, one of the 'Great Walks' near Te Anau. The course is 27km with an elevation of 1075m. I have never done a lot of running but this event has been on my bucket list for a number of years. So while I am still able (53 years old now) I thought I would give it a crack, and why not at the same time raise some money for a good cause. So here we go! The training has started. Please support me in my endeavors to climb my own mountain this year and raise some money for Orphans Aid International. Thank you so much!!

Andrew Tripp's involvement (page creator)

We support Orphans Aid International. Last year my wife, Heather and daughter, Alisha climbed Mt Kilimanjaro to raise money and celebrate 15 years of Orphans Aid International.

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Conquered the Grunt   6 December 2020

Luxmore Grunt done and dusted. My goal of finishing it was accomplished. As close to 3 hours as possible was accomplished, but not quite under 3 hours! 3.02.20. Had bad cramps coming down the hill and had to nurse the body along the last 10kms otherwise would have smashed it! Will have to leave that till next year! Pretty stocked with my effort really - having not run more than 10kms since I was 17 back in April to achieving this, fighting fit and 11kgs lighter. Thanks to all those who have donated to Orphans Aid International. Regards Andrew

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Wendy on 06 Dec 2020
Team McGregor
Team McGregor on 05 Dec 2020
Awesome stuff Andrew!
Gary on 04 Dec 2020
Smash it!
Fiona on 02 Dec 2020
Enjoy the Kepler :-)
Glenda on 02 Dec 2020
Good on you Andrew

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This campaign started on 19 Aug 2020 and ended on 10 Dec 2020.