10 Kms a day, in MIQ, to raise $10,000 for the New Zealand Flying Doctor Service and save lives
We are currently in MIQ (hotel quarantine), my husband Greg, my step daughter Issy and I luckily managed to secure spots after we went to Australia to be with my mother-in -law, Marietta, who passed away on Boxing Day. Issy heard me talking to my NZ Flying Doctor Trust team (via zoom) about how worried I am, as the CEO, regarding our funding- we URGENTLY need funds. This lifesaving, mobile intensive care unit is getting busier and busier but with Covid we are struggling. Issy, inspired by fundraisers she has seen in MIQ immediately suggested we do the same !!! So our Mission is to raise $10,000 to pay for 4 life saving missions (more if we can) We are doing 10 kilometers per day each running in the room and biking (static)
Thank you, we really appreciate it. Last day we are packing our bags !!
Thank you Cassandra, much appreciated
Huge thanks, much appreciated