Our Seas Our Future Charity run

$820 of $800 goal
Given by 31 generous donors in 4 weeks

Running a half-marathon on land to help the running of an organisation looking after our oceans.


It just so happens that I lost a bet and found myself committed to running the Rotorua Half-Marathon only a month prior to it taking place on the 4th of May.

Rather than simply running, this is the perfect opportunity to run for causes close to my heart-mental health and the protection of our beautiful oceans. I have opted to support something I see as encompassing both.

A local organisation called 'Our Seas Our Future' does critical work in protecting our beautiful moana. Maintaining the wellbeing of our oceans not only supports our physical wellbeing, but has and continues to play a critical role in supporting the mental health of so many people I know.

A massive thank you to everyone who donated, I am overwhelmed by people's generosity!

The run went smoothly and I can't wait to smash out another one soon.

If you'd like to learn more about the organisation and what they stand for please follow this link.


Tabea Trounson's involvement (page creator)

I am part of the student body at the University of Otago which works with and for OSOF Dunedin

Latest donations

Olivia on 04 May 2019
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 03 May 2019
Great work tabs! Anything for the ocean :)
Jared on 02 May 2019
All the best Tabea! I hope you haven't fallen over again while training.
Laura Rogers
Laura Rogers on 02 May 2019
Go Tabs legend superstar yay yay yay
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 May 2019

Who's involved?

Tabea Trounson's avatar
Created by Tabea Trounson
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 4 Apr 2019 and ended on 4 May 2019.