Paula Sadgrove, Mercer School - DROP YOUR BOSS

$3,005 of $3,000 goal
Given by 25 generous donors in 7 weeks

This is it, throw me from the highest building all in the name of our tamariki. Help me to support the Kiwi Can programme in Mercer School.


Children are too important to ignore this fundraiser!

It takes a village to raise a child and I encourge you to do your part in this. I'll jump, you pay, seems like an easy way to make a difference. I am willing to do this as I believe in the programme Kiwi Can which, in schools, makes a huge difference to students lives. It teaches such vital skills to support kids to be successful members of the community by teaching the values of respect, integrity, resilience and rositive relationships.

By you donating to my cause you helps to ensure that this programme can continue to be in schools and changing lives.

Come on, help me to help our tamariki.

Paula Sadgrove's involvement (page creator)

I believe in the work the Graeme Dingle Foundation is doing to support children and want to do my part in helping them be successful.

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Participating in

Drop Your Boss 2018

Give your boss a shake up! Nominate your Boss for an epic drop from the top of Auckland's iconic building - The Sky Tower

Latest donations

Williams Family
Williams Family on 31 May 2018
From Debbie, Thomas, Dallas, Rose and Lucy Williams who all attended and enjoyed Mercer School and Baxxy Williams who is still there!
Love You Mercer School
Love You Mercer School on 18 May 2018
Just the best school ever! Thank you Graeme Dingle Foundation for the work you are doing in this great school and way to go Paula and all the teachers and other staff at Mercer. I hope the kids appreciate how good this school is.
Mercer Residents and Ratepayers Committee
Mercer Residents and Ratepayers Committee on 11 May 2018
Phil and Jodee
Phil and Jodee on 10 May 2018
Mrs Majurey
Mrs Majurey on 09 May 2018
Loved being there today along with Room 4 to watch you drop!

Who's involved?

Paula Sadgrove's avatar
Created by Paula Sadgrove
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 8 Apr 2018 and ended on 31 May 2018.