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Pedal Powered Produce

  • Thank you!!!!

      17 April 2022
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    Kia ora tatou...

    Thank you so much for all the amazingly generous support you have offered us over the past 2-3 weeks. So humbling.

    61 donors....towards a CO2 emission free delivery system. So cool!

    We are already onto ordering the first trike...and looking at other potential avenues for funding trike #2....feeling optimistic!!!

    It will take a few months for the trike(s) to get here from Germany...but rest assured we will be working on all our systems and processes in the meantime...and looking for our Delivery Champion/s!!

    Thank you again...we could never do this mahi with out you standing alongside us...!

    Be nourished and well...


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  • Reduced target....

      14 April 2022

    With our first e-trike already secured...we have reduced the target further in order to concentrate on getting it all kitted out with the tray, frame and cover that will allow us to deliver on cold, wet days.

    We would still love for some big donations to shift us towards our original target of $35,000 for 2 don't be shy :)

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  • Nearly at $10,000!!!

      7 April 2022
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    Kia ora Generosity Generator whanau....

    It has been an exciting last few days as the momentum of the campaign is building due to so much support!

    We are truly grateful and super close to securing enough for our first e-trike :)

    Your donations are amazing and bring so much joy....however we really need your help still.

    We really need this campaign to be shared far and if you have whanau, friends and colleagues (or even bosses or company owners) that are looking for ways to support our planet and our communities....then please share the link to our Givealittle page :)

    It is going to take a huge group effort over the next 8 days to get us to that second e-trike!!!

    Thank you so much ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

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