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Pedalling for Parkinson's

  • A little end of trip video to all the lovely donors :-)

      21 August 2024

    Thanks for your support. A 30 second video to thank you for your support.

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  • Made it!!

      13 July 2024
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    Well, after 27 days and 6 hours the end point arrived. There were mixed emotions, sad the journey had to come to and end but delighted to dismount the bike for the final time on this trip.

    Thank you so much to everyone who has donated to Parkinson's NZ as part of this trip. I am .humbled by your generosity.

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  • 1/2 way there

      30 June 2024
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    Made it to Colorado. In the last 16 days I've cycled 1,420 miles (over 1/2 way). Every day is a challenge but an absolute adventure. Thank you to everyone for your support to date.

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    • 01/07/2024 by Thomas

      Well done Richard.Your dad must be proud of you.🚴‍♂️🚴‍♂️🚴‍♂️

  • Update 1.0

      11 June 2024
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    Arrived in Calgary. Bike assembled. Just packing bags before biking to Banff for the start. Thank you to everyone for your generous support so far.

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