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Penny's Trek to Vietnam

$3,371 of $2,500 goal
Given by 27 generous donors in around 4 months

Trekking to transform young lives - raising funds for the Graeme Dingle Foundation in NZ.


Over Easter holidays this April I will be getting out from behind my desk and swapping wine country for the rice fields of Vietnam. I will be trekking to raise money for the Graeme Dingle Foundation, transforming young lives in New Zealand through teaching values, such as integrity and respect, and life skills sessions, in a fun learning environment within their own school setting.

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Penny Dickeson's involvement (page creator)

The Kiwi Can program ran by Graeme Dingle Foundation teaches values and life skills at schools across New Zealand, including our local primary school - Redwoodtown. How great that children are learning more than just literacy and numeracy - they are learning to be great people!

Latest update

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Trek Accomplished!  27 April 2019

After 4 days, 70km and 420 stories up and down, the Trek to Transform Lives team has completed our challenge!

Some slopes were over 65 degrees, some tracks were barely a foot wide and I certainly made use of the trekking poles! Very proud that I persevered through it all and completed the whole challenge.

Thank you again for your support - over $3000 has been raised for Graeme Dingle Foundation.

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Participating in

Trek to Transform Young Lives

Join us on this adventure through beautiful Vietnam & help young people in NZ keep on track, learn good values and set goals for the future.

Latest donations

Adrian H
Adrian H on 31 May 2019
Amanda Spratt
Amanda Spratt on 30 Apr 2019
Such a great cause - and I am so impressed that you are doing this what with all the other things in your busy life that you have to juggle.
Andrew Monteith
Andrew Monteith on 15 Apr 2019
Fantastic cause Penny, and a wonderful way to raise funds. Vietnam is simply amazing so I know you will have a great time. All the best Andrew
Cameron Murphy
Cameron Murphy on 12 Apr 2019
Get your trek on Penny! Nice work.
Margaux on 12 Apr 2019
Great work Penny !

Who's involved?

Penny Dickeson's avatar
Created by Penny Dickeson
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 29 Jan 2019 and ended on 31 May 2019.