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Pledge a beer to help YES

$202 donated
Given by 11 generous donors in 4 weeks

I'm giving up beer for YES. Will you gift the cost of a beer for their annual appeal?


Young Enterprise is a fantastic charity (ok, I'm biased because of Terry). But they do great work helping to make kids more successful in life. People don't realise they are a charity and they are reliant on sponsorship and donations to pay the bills.

So to anyone who I've ever shouted a beer to - please consider a payback moment and donate the cost of a beer to their annual appeal.

In return, I pledge to go beer-free for two weeks!!!!!

$10 is the price of a Leffe Blonde

$16 is the price of a Duvel

Simon Jones' involvement (page creator)

Young Enterprise is awesome what it does for kids. To help them raise funds, I'm giving up beer for two whole weeks. Please consider donating the cost of a beer to the YES 2018 Appeal. A Lefe Blonde costs $10. Or if you are a big spender, a Duvel is $16.

Latest donations

Reef on 16 Mar 2018
No beersies for you!!!!
Duncan on 15 Mar 2018
You still haven't bought me that beer but I'll donate anyway cos it's a good cause.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 15 Mar 2018
I know you are going to struggle not drinking for two whole weeks so well done..
Ferg on 15 Mar 2018
Alison Jones
Alison Jones on 15 Mar 2018

Who's involved?

Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 5 Mar 2018 and ended on 5 Apr 2018.