I'm giving up beer for YES. Will you gift the cost of a beer for their annual appeal?
Young Enterprise is a fantastic charity (ok, I'm biased because of Terry). But they do great work helping to make kids more successful in life. People don't realise they are a charity and they are reliant on sponsorship and donations to pay the bills.
So to anyone who I've ever shouted a beer to - please consider a payback moment and donate the cost of a beer to their annual appeal.
In return, I pledge to go beer-free for two weeks!!!!!
$10 is the price of a Leffe Blonde
$16 is the price of a Duvel
Young Enterprise is awesome what it does for kids. To help them raise funds, I'm giving up beer for two whole weeks. Please consider donating the cost of a beer to the YES 2018 Appeal. A Lefe Blonde costs $10. Or if you are a big spender, a Duvel is $16.