Pups in Shorts 4 Waipuna Hospice

$35 donated
Given by 3 generous donors in 16 days

BOP Oodle Club is getting dogs together in shorts to raise funds for Waipuna Hospice, Shorts4Hospice.

Bay of Plenty

BOP Oodle Club thought it would be fun to get dogs together in shorts to raise funds for Waipuna Hospice' latest campaign - Life is Short. Wear Shorts4Hospice.

Let's get together at Fergusson Park, 2-3pm, Sunday 30th of June (new date) and get as many dogs together wearing shorts!

Christine Sadlier's involvement (page creator)

BOP Oodle Club want to raise some funds for Waipuna Hospice latest campaign - Shorts 4 Hospice as they know how life can be short.

Latest donations

Diane Mulhern
Diane Mulhern on 30 Jun 2019
Waipuna Hospice

Thanks Diane. :-)

Waipuna Hospice
Trevor and Stanley
Trevor and Stanley on 18 Jun 2019
We think Waipuna Hospice does a great job..
Waipuna Hospice

Thank you for your support. :-)

Waipuna Hospice
Christine on 15 Jun 2019
Great cause and great fun for the dogs!

Who's involved?

Christine Sadlier's avatar
Created by Christine Sadlier
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 15 Jun 2019 and ended on 1 Jul 2019.