Pushing for Mental Health

$3,335 of $20,000 goal
Given by 16 generous donors in 7 weeks

This fundraiser aims to reach 100,000 push-ups, supporting Mates in Construction for mental health challenges in the construction industry.

Penrose, Auckland

Apex Interiors is taking a proactive approach to support mental health in the construction industry through their fundraiser, "Pushing for Mental Health." Their goal is to collectively reach 100,000 push-ups by December 14, 2023, in response to the unique challenges faced by construction workers.

Mates in Construction, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving mental health in the construction industry, understands the specific stressors faced by these workers. They provide vital mental health support, awareness, and resources.

Apex Interiors aims to raise $20,000 to support Mates in Construction's mission. They've chosen a creative and physically engaging approach by committing to do push-ups collectively. Each push-up not only raises funds but also breaks the stigma around mental health in the construction industry.

"Pushing for Mental Health" Apex Interiors hopes to emphasize the importance of mental health awareness and support in the construction sector while actively contributing to the well-being of their colleagues and peers. Together, they are making a difference in the lives of those who often go unnoticed and underserved in terms of mental health care.

By supporting this fundraiser, you join Apex Interiors in strengthening the mental health support network for construction workers, making a difference in the lives of those who often go unnoticed in terms of mental health care.

Latest donations

Autex Industries
Autex Industries on 27 Nov 2023
Congratulations on an incredible effort, from everyone at Autex Industries.
T&R on 24 Nov 2023
Great work Tom! From Kim & the team at T&R
Trish on 21 Nov 2023
The Sabre team is happy to support this worthwhile cause Mates in Construction!
Charlie on 21 Nov 2023
Great work team Charlie - Placemakers central North
Acuite Construction Intelligence
Acuite Construction Intelligence on 20 Nov 2023
Great work Team Apex!

Who's involved?

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Created by Apex Interiors (Business)
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 20 Oct 2023 and ended on 14 Dec 2023.