Raise money for bowel cancer research

$6,535 donated
Given by 106 generous donors in 10 weeks

Shaving my hair off and donating it for a wig to raise money for bowel cancer research in New Zealand.


Kia Ora,

My name is Adele and I am a year 9 student in Christchurch. I have decided to raise money for the Bowel Cancer Foundation trust by shaving my hair off and donating it for a wig. I would like to do this because I know several younger people who have been affected by Bowel cancer over the last year. Bowel cancer is thought of as an older persons disease but it is actually much more common than you think in younger people who are often diagnosed when the disease is quite advanced. I want to show my support by raising money for essential research towards this horrible disease.

All of the money raised is going to The Bowel Cancer Foundation Trust to help fund vital research.

Any amount you can donate to the cause, no matter how how small would be greatly appreciated. I would also greatly appreciate it if you can share this page to your connections too.

I will shave my hair off as soon as we reach the target of $5,500

Ngā mihi maioha - thank you in appreciation of your support.

Adele Matthews' involvement (page creator)

Shaving my hair off and donating it as a wig

Latest donations

Winsome on 26 Apr 2021
Jane and John
Jane and John on 21 Apr 2021
This is very special Adele, you’re an inspiration xx
Jasmine on 20 Apr 2021
Very brave of you, and for such an important cause! Jasmine xx
Kate on 19 Apr 2021
Awesome Adele
Katie on 18 Apr 2021
Nice work Adele. So rocking that look and least we forget Tom's contribution to the K9 cuts!

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Adele Matthews's avatar
Created by Adele Matthews
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This campaign started on 15 Mar 2021 and ended on 30 May 2021.