Raising funds to support my friends and family with cancer

$300 donated
Given by 3 generous donors in 6 weeks

To celebrate walking 4km/day for my 60th yr I decided to raise money for gut cancer research in honour of people I know dealing with cancer.


For my 60th year I decided to set myself the goal of walking at least 4km every day. I have completed this challenge and have walked over 1500km in the process. As a celebration I decided to start a 'givealittle' page for gut cancer research.

My mother suffered with bowel cancer and some of my friends who run, walk and/or swim with me are on a journey dealing with cancer. I want to honour them and make a contribution towards helping them.

Ally Twiss' involvement (page creator)

I have walked/run 4km every day for my 60th year I decided to start a 'givealittle' page to raise money for gut cancer research as a celebration.

Latest donations

Dion on 24 May 2021
Well done Ally!!!
Leon and Juliet
Leon and Juliet on 21 Apr 2021
Great stuff Ally!
Susie on 21 Apr 2021
Well done Ally. X
Ally on 17 Apr 2021
for mum and my friends

Who's involved?

Ally Twiss's avatar
Created by Ally Twiss
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 17 Apr 2021 and ended on 31 May 2021.