Remember and honour Rose Malone by donating to Pet Refuge -providing temporary shelter for pets affected by domestic violence.
It's been a year since Rose died. Rose absolutely loved animals of all sorts and was always standing up for and protecting the vulnerable and those who needed support - animals and people. Just before she tragically left us, Rose shared the video from Pet Refuge with me, saying how much it had moved her and how much she wished she could do something to help. She told me she was going to donate as soon as she got her next pay, but she never made it to her next pay.
She would be proud to know that people who loved her, are helping her with a cause she felt deeply about. It would mean so much to us if you could remember Rose in this way. Even the smallest donation will be gratefully appreciated and will help our family knowing that Rose has made a difference.
Please think about donating to Pet Refuge in memory of our gorgeous Rose.
Rose was my precious, beautiful, spirited, loving daughter and in her memory I hope to make a difference to a cause she loved.