Ride For Rosie

$3,100 of $250 goal
Given by 57 generous donors in 25 days

Rosie Crozier my Cousin was killed in a road traffic accident on the 5th June 2017 aged just 21 she was taken far too soon.


Thanks for taking the time to read our page.

This Sunday the 18th June 2017 (Fathers day in the U.K.) Myself, Helen my wife, my Brothers Neil and Paul along with my Dad Steve and family members, will cycle the gruelling 55 miles from London to Brighton.

This year we will be raising money for "ChatBus" an outstanding charity which provides counselling to children under 14 in New Zealand. The charity has been chosen by Rosie's Father Steve in the wake of recent tragic events.

Rosie is my cousin, she was killed in a road traffic acident on Monday 5th June in New Zealand aged just 21. Rosie was born in the U.K. before moving to New Zealand in 2004. Rosie was full of life and taken far to young leaving behind her Father Steve, her Mother Sam, sisters Becky & Siobhan, brother Kam, niece Maiya and nephew Leo

This page won't fix the pain and upset felt around the world for this wonderful girl, instead it may provide a little comfort for the many that feel this loss so deeply.

Please give what you can and let's raise as much as we can for this great cause.

Rosie we ride for you. Sleep well. Xx

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Latest donations

Paul Maxam
Paul Maxam on 08 Jul 2017
Hardest 54 miles ever! Rest in Peace sweetheart
Kylie Tremain
Kylie Tremain on 08 Jul 2017
Gorgeous girl. Gone to soon. Well done team Maxam x
Aaron Joachim
Aaron Joachim on 08 Jul 2017
Bex on 07 Jul 2017
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Jul 2017

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This campaign started on 13 Jun 2017 and ended on 8 Jul 2017.