Change what is possible for the neglected kids at Carl Sithole Home. Give them the things most of us take for granted each day.
I (Mark Bennett) am riding Tour Aotearoa 2020 - - and entering requires donating to a registered charity. My day job is in the International IT Department of The Salvation Army and I get to see lots of unmet needs everyday. So while I'm challenging myself beyond anything I've ever done by a magnitude of 10, I want my adventure to help make a difference in just one of thousands of centres around the world The Salvation Army helps those society has discarded.
Carl Sithole Kids home in Soweto, South Africa offers accommodation and care for kids with nobody and nothing. Some are HIV positive, others are orphaned, some are just unwanted. The Salvation Army funds the centre but as with most charitable work there is never enough.
Rather than simply have money disappear into the daily operations, any donation you give will specifically go towards clothes, toiletries, and educational supplies so all the kids will have an opportunity to function everyday in a manner most of us take for granted.
If there is enough donated to cover this then I'd love the centre to give them a pizza party. This is something my kids love and get to enjoy with a smile on their faces. Hopefully we can bring the joy of pizza (a key food for me when riding the 3000km of Tour Aotearoa) to everyone at the Carl Sithole Home, Soweto, South Africa.
Riding Tour Aotearoa requires a donation to a registered charity as opposed to paying entry fees. I've already made a donation, but want friends and colleagues from around the world to increase the amount and potential impact of this donation.
What happened at Carl Sithole? 21 July 2021
Morning from New Zealand. I have received a report from Carl Sithole detailing how the money you generously donated impacted kids in their care. It is 4 pages long and includes plenty of photos. Unfortunately I can't share the PDF file through this site. However, if you want to read about the difference you made then drop me an email ( and I will send you the report. You really made a difference and had a positive impact on the kids at Carl Sithole.
Thanks for being a part of my interrupted journey and I do hope wherever you are in the world you are safe and well.
Thanks for giving and making a difference. There were lots of great downhills including one gradual and long one with a tailwind of 70+ km after St Arnaud to Renwick as we were heading to the ferry to be home before the lock down 😬
Whoever you are THANKS! You're making a difference 👍
You're awesome Tony! Thanks for donating and giving me advice to get going 👌
Thanks for giving, I really appreciate it 👍🏼
Really appreciate your generosity 👍🏼