Roady For Roadies 2022

$5,000 of $10,000 goal
Given by 26 generous donors in 6 weeks

Come join us in doing a fun, relaxed and social experience that supports those less fortunate, it’s a walk, not a race.


Run twice in recent history, Roady For Roadies has assisted in raising tens of thousands to support the live music industries road crew, colloquially known as ‘roadies’. Working alongside MusicHelps we’re once again fundraising to support those in the industry who may have fallen on hard times financially, mentally or physically and have no union support here to turn to here in New Zealand.

Come join us in doing a fun, relaxed and social experience that supports those less fortunate, it’s a walk, not a race.

Roady For Roadies was proposed by music industry professionals Morgan Donoghue & Brent Eccles and is administered by MusicHelps, a long-standing charity that develops and supports projects that use the power of music to help & heal New Zealanders in need. MusicHelps also provides vital support and hardship assistance to kiwi music people and their families in times of crisis.

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We also have Roady For Roady Merchandise!  22 April 2022

If anyone is keen to support the Roady For Roadies movement with some merchandise please contact with the size you would like!

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Kirstie on 29 Apr 2022
Julia on 29 Apr 2022
Great idea.
Dee on 29 Apr 2022
Mike on 29 Apr 2022
What a great cause!
Savina on 29 Apr 2022
Absolutely gutted to be missing out on this (a bit sick still so keeping the germs away) Such an incredible initiative. Have fun everyone!

Who's involved?

Music Helps NZ / Roady For Roadies's avatar
Created by Music Helps NZ / Roady For Roadies (Business)
MusicHelps's avatar
Paying to MusicHelps
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This campaign started on 15 Mar 2022 and ended on 29 Apr 2022.