Round the Bays

$350 donated
Given by 9 generous donors in 26 days

please sponsor me - the run is 8.4 km


I am working towards jogging around the bays on March 4th, a simple matter for most of you but a reasonable challenge for Rosalind and I.

James Stewart's involvement (page creator)

I think that Glaucoma NZ does a great job in informing patients about glaucoma so that they are more likely to understand their disease and what they need to do to avoid losing vision.

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Latest donations

Fiona Stewart
Fiona Stewart on 28 Feb 2018
Tracey and Wannes and Ruben
Tracey and Wannes and Ruben on 17 Feb 2018
Run like the wind!
Graham Reeves
Graham Reeves on 12 Feb 2018
Good luck for the jog!
David W
David W on 10 Feb 2018
Jim, I expect a respectable finish time.
Michael on 09 Feb 2018
Running to keep the pressure low!

Who's involved?

James Stewart's avatar
Created by James Stewart
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This campaign started on 7 Feb 2018 and ended on 5 Mar 2018.