Fundraising for Blonde Mullet Brigade
Here is Rory aka Rozza/Roz. He’s 3 years (4 in April). We’ve never cut the back of his hair. It used to just be a delicious lil curl and I couldn’t bring myself to cut it. There’s been murmurs lately of giving it a snip, but that’s now in the past because we’ve made a commitment to the Blonde Mullet Brigade and I Am Hope (which I hope I don’t have to explain the amazing mahi it does for the rangatahi of Aotearoa) that Rozza will get to keep his Mullet for the whole of 2023 in all its glory*.
What do we want from you? Your money.
Why not sponsor the youngest** of the Blonde Mullet Brigade for 2023.
All funds raised will go directly to Gumboot Friday, providing free counselling for young NZers 25 years and under.
The goal?
Help Mike and Jules raise $126,000 to fund 1000 sessions.
Mullet Month will be 1st August - 3rd September
(*Can’t promise the odd chunk won’t go missing at preschool)
(**Possibly not a fact)
Thank you x
Thank you x
Thank you x
Thank you x
Thank you x