Run with me - Raising Awareness for Victims of Sexual Abuse

$345 of $1,000 goal
Given by 9 generous donors in 6 weeks

Running 21km to raise money for counselling for vicitims of sexual abuse


In September, I will be running a half marathon (21km). I have decided to dedicate my run to raising awareness for victims of sexual abuse.

This is often a taboo topic, and I believe something needs to change to normalise conversations around sexual assault.

Victims should have a safe place to talk about their experiences. Therefore, I will be donating all funds to Tautoko Mai. An amazing organisation that provides counselling and support to individuals like myself.

I would really appreciate your support, $1 goes a long way.

Let's make a difference together.

Thank you,

Pash xx

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Latest donations

Ruby on 20 Aug 2021
Super proud. Very deserving charity. x
Hannah on 19 Aug 2021
go girl! xxx love you
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 Aug 2021
Thank you for raising awareness of this important issue
Tessa on 15 Aug 2021
Go Pash!! Amazing cause xx
Dani on 15 Aug 2021
Absolute champion. Big love to you! Xx

Who's involved?

Pasha von Beck's avatar
Created by Pasha von Beck
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This campaign started on 15 Aug 2021 and ended on 1 Oct 2021.