Running a marathoin to raise money for CAP

$3,520 of $4,500 goal
Given by 39 generous donors in 12 weeks

CAP is passionate about working with local churches across the nation to release Kiwis from a life sentence of poverty and its causes.

Nelson / Tasman

I have worked for C.A.P. over 4 years now and have seen lives transformed from being released from the shackles of debt. Lives changed forever and children seeing there is a hope in their lives.

For some reason I have decided that I'll run the K2M marathon on 25th of May yeah that's 42 km. If you can support me in getting to my target it will certianly encourage me in the last few km's

Dave Harris' involvement (page creator)

I work for this NPO charity and CAP is passionate about working with local churches across the nation to release Kiwis from a life sentence of poverty and its causes.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 May 2019
Day and Joc
Day and Joc on 26 May 2019
Great effort Harry well done.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 26 May 2019
Mel and William
Mel and William on 25 May 2019
So proud of your effort today Dad! We are beyond proud of everything you do! This is a huge accomplishment. Love you so much!!
Pegasus town
Pegasus town on 25 May 2019

Who's involved?

Dave  Harris's avatar
Created by Dave Harris
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 5 Apr 2019 and ended on 30 Jun 2019.