Running a Half-Marathon for Camp Purple

$1,840 donated
Given by 23 generous donors in around 3 months

Running a half marathon in aid of Camp Purple which gives children and teenagers a chance to experience fundamental elements of childhood.


I am not usually one to talk about my journey living with Crohn's disease. But, given the opportunity to raise money for children and teenagers suffering with IBD in NZ, now seems about the right time to start to!!

Camp Purple Live provides an opportunity for children and teenagers dealing with IBD (inflammatory bowel disease - Crohn's or Colitis) to attend a camp where all campers can interact with other kids facing similar challenges and are not made to feel different because of their disease.

Living with IBD can mean missed school days, time in hospital, and having to alter your life due to the challenges faced with IBD, and taking constant medication. Attending camp, social occasions, outdoor activities and normal sporting for children and teenagers can be daunting, and sometimes not even possible.

Camp Purple gives children and teenagers a chance to experience fundamental elements of childhood – the ability to play outdoors, to learn independence, nourish self-esteem, challenge themselves physically, and be proud of their accomplishments.

I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease aged 9 years old, spent many years in and out of hospital, have had an uncountable number of operations, was unable to finish my school studies due to illness, and with medication eventually proving not very effective I received the first stem cell transplant in Europe for Crohn's disease in 2008.

There have been many bumps in the road along the way and a few more operations and an extended period in hospital last year. But, I am now off all medication, eat a restricted but very healthy diet, weigh more than I ever have done, and no longer worry about going places where there is not a bathroom, have energy, can exercise, and am fitter and happier than I have ever been!

I am incredibly lucky to have regained a level of health that I never thought possible.

I was never able to run due to the abdominal pain it then caused me.

But, now, aged 35, I am able to run properly!

Each week I will now go out for one of my runs which is a "first" - running further than I have ever run before. Currently I have reached 10km!

But this is just the start of my personal challenge for running as I have committed to run a half marathon on 5th December at Pauanui.

I would like to use this as an opportunity to fund raise to help give children and teenagers in NZ with IBD the opportunity to attend the fantastic Camp Purple.

For Camp Purple, no matter how big or small donations are, all donations are extremely beneficial and contribute towards making camp a reality for teenagers and children with IBD.

I would be so very grateful if you would like to sponsor me for the Half Marathon where all money I raise will be donated straight to Camp Purple.

Laura Hancock's involvement (page creator)

Running Pauanui Half Marathon

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Latest donations

Alison on 07 Jan 2021
Crohn's and Colitis New Zealand Charitable Trust

Thank you so much Alison for your generous donation and to Laura. Thank you all so much for choosing to support us.

Crohn's and Colitis New Zealand Charitable Trust
Janet on 11 Dec 2020
Crohn's and Colitis New Zealand Charitable Trust

Thank you so much Janet for your generous donation and to Laura. Thank you all so much for choosing to support us.

Crohn's and Colitis New Zealand Charitable Trust
Kris on 10 Dec 2020
Crohn's and Colitis New Zealand Charitable Trust

Thank you so much Kris for your generous donation and to Laura. Thank you all so much for choosing to support us.

Crohn's and Colitis New Zealand Charitable Trust
Sam on 10 Dec 2020
Well done laura! A great achievement! Lots of love. Sam Tylor
Crohn's and Colitis New Zealand Charitable Trust

Thank you so much Sam for your generous donation and to Laura. Thank you all so much for choosing to support us.

Crohn's and Colitis New Zealand Charitable Trust
Sandra on 10 Dec 2020
Well done Laura
Crohn's and Colitis New Zealand Charitable Trust

Thank you so much Sandra for your generous donation and to Laura. Thank you all so much for choosing to support us.

Crohn's and Colitis New Zealand Charitable Trust

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Created by Laura Hancock
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This campaign started on 24 Oct 2020 and ended on 24 Jan 2021.