Running for Mighty Mouse, My 2 Year Old Granddaughter #StrokeSurvivor

$9,039 donated
Given by 179 generous donors in 11 weeks

At 73, planning to run my first marathon to raise funds after my 2 year old granddaughter had 4 strokes


My name is Patsy although to 2 very special little people, my granddaughters, I’m known as Gigi. Nearly a year ago, one of my special little people, Alanna, suffered a series of 4 strokes. This happened just a few weeks shy of her 2nd birthday.

Alanna is known to both family & friends as “Mousie” and over the past year her spirit and courage on her road to recovery has amazed everyone around her.

I am so proud of her and so thankful that she is still with us – she has certainly proved to everyone that she is a Mighty Mouse.

To honour her spirit and courage and as a way of saying thank you to her amazing medical team and a supporting charity, I am planning to run my first ever marathon …………. at the age of 73.

I started training in October 2017, just 5 months ago and at the start struggled to run 5km, but my goal is to run the Rotorua Marathon, which is 42km, on the 5th May this year.

Mousie will be there to cheer me along as well as her big sister and her Mum and Dad – if you do see us, please come up and say Hi!

All money that I raise will be split evenly between Starship Neurology Department & Young Stroke Thrivers Foundation, an amazing organisation established to empower stroke affected children. If you are in a situation where you are able, please help me to help other families who have children who experience a stroke.

Patsy Holt's involvement (page creator)

After my 2 year old granddaughter had 4 strokes last year, I would like to support other families who have children affected by strokes.

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Get updates as I run  5 May 2018

If you would like updates on my marathon, find my page on Facebook called

Running for Mighty Mouse

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 31 May 2018
Patsy Holt

Many thanks for your kind donation SM

Patsy Holt
Pt Chev neighbour
Pt Chev neighbour on 31 May 2018
Patsy Holt

Thank you Pt Chev neighbour for you kind donation!

Patsy Holt
Susan O’Riordan
Susan O’Riordan on 28 May 2018
Patsy Holt

Hey Sue, thanks so much for your generous donation. Hope you’re well. Hugs Lucianne x

Patsy Holt
Prestage Family
Prestage Family on 25 May 2018
Way to go Patsy! You did an amazing job of raising awareness and a huge amount of money for Starship and YSTF! And Mousie, we love you loads! Lem, Emma, Benjamin, Jake and Finley
Patsy Holt

Thanks Prestage fam bam. We love you all too 💕

Patsy Holt
Dave on 19 May 2018
So proud of you Patsy, Had no doubt you would finish and in such a great time
Patsy Holt

Thanks so much Dave! Your kind words and donation so gratefully appreciated x

Patsy Holt

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Created by Patsy Holt
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This campaign started on 12 Mar 2018 and ended on 31 May 2018.