Running for Oscar

$1,830 of $500 goal
Given by 34 generous donors in 12 weeks

Please help Oscar and his family fight the baddies.


Oscar is a six year old little boy who is fighting against the baddies.

Last year he was diagnosed with Leukaemia and was given the all clear until last week when he had more tests done and devastatingly found out the baddies were back.

I am running the half marathon up in Hawkes Bay for him on 15th May 2021 and would love you to show your support by helping Oscar and his family while they continue to fight the baddies. 💙💙💙

Susan Ingledew's involvement (page creator)

I want to help my friends son keep his life and be with his family. He's a little fighter but needs help, his parents are so humble and beautiful 😍

Latest donations

Jean on 18 May 2021
Rachel on 15 May 2021
Robyn on 14 May 2021
Mel on 14 May 2021
Jimmy on 13 May 2021

Who's involved?

Susan Ingledew's avatar
Created by Susan Ingledew
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This campaign started on 11 Apr 2021 and ended on 9 Jul 2021.