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Running for Waikato Breast Cancer Research

$550 donated
Given by 19 generous donors in 13 weeks

Fundraising for Waikato Breast Cancer Research Trust


My sister would have been 53 on the 9th of June, the day before the Kirikiriroa Marathon, but her life was tragically cut short by breast cancer in 2015. She left two young children behind. In her honour I would like to fundraise for Waikato Breast Cancer Research, to prevent more such tragedies. We all have mums, sisters, daughters, wives, friends and loved ones who have had or might still fight breast cancer. Prevention is better than cure. The amount of a cup of coffee will help this cause.

Latest donations

Ivy on 17 Jun 2023
Keep up the great work, Jeanne! We are proud of you!
Karen on 16 Jun 2023
Jeanne Van der Merwe

Thanks to my school neighbour for pushing the total up to $500! Very grateful for this, Karen. x

Jeanne Van der Merwe
Rebecca of Butchart Gardens xx
Rebecca of Butchart Gardens xx on 12 Jun 2023
Jeanne Van der Merwe

I'll never forget that day in the Butchart Gardens!! Thanks so much for the donation. x

Jeanne Van der Merwe
Stu and Vicky
Stu and Vicky on 11 Jun 2023
Jeanne Van der Merwe

Stu and Vicky, thank you so much for your donation. I LOVE being in the same club as you. Never a dull moment. Always fun.

Jeanne Van der Merwe
Barbara on 11 Jun 2023
Jeanne Van der Merwe

Dear Barbara, I miss our runs around Takapuna so much. Thanks for all your love and support over the years.

Jeanne Van der Merwe

Who's involved?

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Created by Jeanne Van der Merwe
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 5 Jun 2023 and ended on 5 Sep 2023.