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Running towards a cure

$13,305 of $15,000 goal
Given by 79 generous donors in 10 weeks

In support of groundbreaking medical research in cancer and asthma, aiming to bring us closer to a cure and hope to those affected


In 2018, I embarked on a remarkable journey as I participated in the Mizuno series in Auckland, completing 5 half-marathons over 5 months..

Little did I know that shortly after that series, life would throw me a curveball. I found myself facing a detached hamstring, and the road to recovery seemed daunting.

However, fast forward to today, and I have a renewed determination.

On December 3, 2023, I will lace up my running shoes once again, this time for the 2XU Wellbeing Half Marathon in Melbourne. It has been over five years since my last half marathon, and this race is not just about personal achievement; it's about making a difference.

I have dedicated this run to support a cause and an organisation that is close to my heart, The Malaghan Institute.

This incredible institute is at the forefront of groundbreaking medical research, particularly in two areas that resonate deeply with me – Cancer and Asthma. The Malaghan institutes pioneering work in both areas and has already yielded numerous breakthroughs, and they continue to push the boundaries of science in the quest for cures for these two devastating diseases.

Cancer has touched the lives of countless friends and acquaintances, leaving an indelible mark on all those affected hearts. Many of us have witnessed the pain and suffering it inflicts, both on those who battle it and on their loved ones.

This run is about contributing to the fight against cancer and bring us closer to a cure and hope to those affected.

Latest update

2 weeks out update.   19 November 2023

2 weeks out, a lung & sinus infection has bought my training to a complete halt in the preparation. At least I managed an 18k last weekend, hopefully will come right this week.

Thanks to all those who have contributed to the cause.

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Activity tracking

Time spent exercising: 94 hrs 16 mins
Total distance covered: 325.5 km

Latest donations

Paul on 12 Dec 2023
Dave, best of luck with this and thank you for your contribution to the work in curing these diseases.
Sean on 05 Dec 2023
Dave Rosenberg

Thanks Sean

Dave Rosenberg
Aruna Jeram
Aruna Jeram on 04 Dec 2023
🤩 awesome work Dave!
Dave Rosenberg

Thanks Aruna

Dave Rosenberg
Lindsay on 04 Dec 2023
Great job !
Dave Rosenberg

Thanks so much Lindsay

Dave Rosenberg
Falko on 04 Dec 2023
Well done on the run
Dave Rosenberg

Thanks Falko

Dave Rosenberg

Who's involved?

Dave Rosenberg's avatar
Created by Dave Rosenberg
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 20 Oct 2023 and ended on 31 Dec 2023.