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Running with purpose: A Half Marathon for Wellington Women's Refuge

  • 2 week countdown!

      5 September 2024

    Thank you for all the donations so far! we've changed the date to a couple days after the half so that people who are waiting to see that we complete it have time to donate xx

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  • Running with purpose: A half marathon for Wellington Women's Refugee

      15 July 2024

    As young women ourselves, we're constantly reminded of the of the gender-based struggles all women face in daily life and in relationships. Our perspective as third year Psychology students has opened our eyes to the depth of this issue. Throughout our degree, gender inequality issues have been consistently emphasised and our current papers have drawn a focus to the effects of intimate partner violence. Despite this being such a prevalent issue with major impacts on New Zealanders' lives and wellbeing, it's not being talked about enough. As we get older, its scary how relevant this issue is becoming with lots of people we know personally experiencing sexual harm. Even from a place of privilege, our daily lives are still impacted by gender based discrimination and harmful societal norms. We want to raise awareness and money for a foundation that provides local women with safety, support, education and resources to deal with partner violence.

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