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Running for Little Mia

$2,000 of $500 goal
Given by 34 generous donors in 4 weeks

Lysosomal Diseases New Zealand is a charitable trust dedicated to improve contact between families affected by lysosomal diseases within Ne


Little Princee (the way she pronounces princess) Mia passed away in 2013 aged 3 to a rare Lysosomal Disease called MPS1 or Hurlers. Lysosomal diseases are inherited genetic defects resulting in enzyme deficiency which prevents cells from performing their natural recycling function leading to a variety of progressive physical/mental deterioration.

Lysosomal Diseases New Zealand is a charitable trust dedicated to improve contact between families affected by lysosomal diseases within New Zealand, and supporting research into the causes and treatment of lysosomal diseases and improvements in the clinical care of affected people.

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 30 Mar 2014
Fiona Anderson
Fiona Anderson on 29 Mar 2014
In loving memory of Mia.
ian dickson
ian dickson on 29 Mar 2014
Thank you for your efforts Ethan,Hayley,Erin .From MIAS family &friends in Australia.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 29 Mar 2014
Sarah, Kyle, Nicholas, Beverley & Bruce
Sarah, Kyle, Nicholas, Beverley & Bruce on 29 Mar 2014
With love for the most beautiful little girl ever !

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This campaign started on 28 Feb 2014 and ended on 30 Mar 2014.