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Brendan & Steffi Running Queenstown for The Neonatal Trust

$3,830 donated
Given by 61 generous donors in around 4 months

We're running the Half Marathon at the Air NZ Queenstown International Marathon festival to raise funds for The Neonatal Trust.


As motivation for training for the Half Marathon on 19 November this year, we're raising money for The Neonatal Trust. Being running novices, a Half Marathon will be a big achievement (for Brendan at least who has never run more than 13km in one hit before). The course is absolutely stunning and we can't wait to take part in it. Brendan was part of the event organising team for the first two years of this hugely successful event, and is really looking forward to being on the other side of the fence this time round.

Steffi & Brendan Bourke's involvement (page creator)

A little over a year ago, we were shocked into parenthood with the early arrival of our twins, George and Isabella at 33.5 weeks. They were a tiny 3'10 and 4'3 respectively and needed 4.5 weeks of support in NICU at Auckland Hospital to get them going in life. C-Pap, incubators, kangaroo cuddles and nasal feeding were all part of the daily routine with Steffi driving into the hospital every day to give them what they needed along side the amazing nurses. George slowly grew bum cheeks and Issy a little tummy and on Steffi's birthday, we excitedly and nervously took our little bundles home for the first time.

We are so incredibly thankful for the caring and support that our family received whilst we were in NICU from the NICU team and The Neonatal Trust, who are there to support families through their NICU journey and onto home. We can't quite believe that we have that level of care available to us in NZ without having to pay through the nose for it. Unfortunately The Neonatal Trust rely on donations to provide the level of support they do and we can't think of a better cause to raise money for OR a better incentive to actually train and cross the half marathon finish line in November - eeek!

Our little ones are now healthy and thriving, causing havoc around the house on a daily basis, and we love it, but we will never forget the help and support from NICU and The Neonatal Trust, and fundraising whilst training for this half marathon is just a small token of our appreciation. We never ask for donations, but this cause is (obviously) close to our hearts, so please break out the credit card and donate to this awesome cause and to motivate us to get across that finish line!! AND if we manage to raise $10k, Brendan and Steffi will do the half marathon in dress up!! Uh oh!

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Half way run ticked off...  26 September 2016

On Sunday Steffi and I tested ourselves and ran the Onehunga 16km in the pelting rain. Was great fun but the legs are hurting now. Fair to say, the Half is not far off and the lungs felt pretty good afterwards.

Just need to up the ante on the fundraising now!!!


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Kath lawn
Kath lawn on 19 Nov 2016
Well done
DT and AW
DT and AW on 19 Nov 2016
Awesome Effort for an Awesome Cause!!! Great form guys!!!
Andrew R
Andrew R on 19 Nov 2016
Well done guys! Bourkey (Mr) hopefully you can get some training in next year so you can close the gap on Steff just a little ;-)
Rosewarnes on 19 Nov 2016
Awesome work guys. X
Penelope Watson
Penelope Watson on 19 Nov 2016
Amazing effort guys! Well done - such a great achievement :) x
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This campaign started on 2 Aug 2016 and ended on 20 Nov 2016.