Sailing across the Atlantic Ocean. Raising donations for Our Seas Our Future charity

$800 donated
Given by 6 generous donors in 10 weeks

Raising donations for a marine conservation charity and generating awareness of the plight of the oceans by sailing across the Atlantic.


This December I will be embarking on an adventure of a lifetime, to sail across the Atlantic Ocean from Europe to the Caribbean in a modestly sized 13 meter sailboat. In doing this with a crew of 3 other Kiwi's, I want to help raise awareness of the terrible plight the oceans of the planet face, from human impact of pollution, over fishing, climate change and the list goes on. I kindly ask for your support by joining me in donating to a highly effective and proactive charity that is all about marine conservation.

Our Seas Our Future (OSOF) is a New Zealand based charity that is actively involved in marine conservation both through direct action initiatives, driving/initiating policy changes through government, helping establish marine reserves and much more. See website:

OSOF Objectives:

To promote the conservation, protection, and benefit of the coastal and marine environments.

To promote and support communities and work with Government to establish a system of conservation measures and biodiversity protection areas.

To support and create opportunities for environmental professionals to work and engage with schools and communities in environmental education and ecological restoration and conservation management.

To create, foster, and offer environmental educational strategies, programs, resources and engagement activities to the community.

To assist in, promote, support and carry out scientific research on coastal and marine environments.

Thank you for your support.

Latest donations

Alex & Libby
Alex & Libby on 29 Nov 2023
Great cause
Jess Firth

Thanks and much appreciated you two legends!

Jess Firth
Giulia on 29 Nov 2023
Fair winds and following seas
Jess Firth

Thank you for your support!

Jess Firth
Tim on 18 Nov 2023
Travel safely! Can't wait to hear about your adventure
Jess Firth

Thanks Tim!

Jess Firth
Susan on 16 Nov 2023
I'm so excited for you Jess! And a bit jealous too. I hope you have an awesome adventure and mostly plain sailing. Share lots of photos please e hoa ❤️
Jess Firth

Thanks so much for your support.

Jess Firth
Linda on 16 Nov 2023
Safe travels Jess and let’s hope many donate to this great cause
Jess Firth

Really appreciate your support for this great cause Linda!

Jess Firth

Who's involved?

Jess Firth's avatar
Created by Jess Firth
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 29 Oct 2023 and ended on 12 Jan 2024.