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Nick Watson, SAP Aotearoa For Drop Your Boss 2023

$3,400 donated
Given by 55 generous donors in around 3 months

I'm thrilled to be representing SAP Aotearoa in “Drop Your Boss 2023! Let's make a difference together. Your support transforms lives!


I am excited to announce my participation in the 'Drop the Boss' to raise funds for the Graeme Dingle Foundation. I am not only stepping out of my comfort zone by taking this bold leap off a building, but I am also leaping into action for a cause that truly matters.

SAP's commitment to the Graeme Dingle Foundation spans years, showcasing our shared dedication to empowering young individuals across our community. The Graeme Dingle Foundation is a beacon of hope, offering transformative programs that help young people discover their potential, build confidence, and develop life skills that set them on a path to success. Through mentoring, outdoor adventures, and personal development initiatives, the foundation nurtures resilience and leadership in our youth.

By supporting my 'Drop the Boss' adventure, you're not only endorsing my personal bravery, but you're also making a tangible difference in the lives of countless young people. Your generous donations will directly contribute to the continuation of these life-changing programs, ensuring that our community's future leaders have the tools they need to thrive.

Every dollar you contribute is a step towards brighter futures, enhanced opportunities, and a more resilient generation. Your support means the world to me and to those whose lives will be positively impacted by the Graeme Dingle Foundation's initiatives.

Let's make this leap of courage count. Donate today and help us reach new heights together!

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Participating in

Drop Your Boss Sky Jump 2023

We are asking 100 people across Aotearoa to accept their own challenge, go outside their comfort zone and take part in Drop Your Boss!

Latest donations

Ezra on 16 Nov 2023
Adam on 16 Nov 2023
Go guys!
Taylor on 16 Nov 2023
Go well Nicholas!
John on 16 Nov 2023
Good luck Nick! Johnny H
Scott on 16 Nov 2023

Who's involved?

Nick Watson's avatar
Created by Nick Watson
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This campaign started on 31 Aug 2023 and ended on 8 Dec 2023.