We need your help to save our oceans and waterways

$640 of $1,000 goal
Given by 19 generous donors in 7 weeks

Support 'Our Seas Our Future' by sponsoring our swim to save


We are five year eight students who are passionate about saving our planet. Right now our oceans and waterways are close to irreversible damage, yet we are still abusing and mistreating them. Inspired by young leaders around the world we decided we wanted to make a difference. On the 7th of September, we're running into the freezing sea to raise money and awareness to help restore our amazing oceans before it's too late. Please sponsor our swim to help save our beautiful planet, all money will go to the NZ based Our Seas Our future organization.

Latest donations

Susan on 09 Sep 2019
Good luck!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 09 Sep 2019
All of you are Inspiring. God bless you :)
Preston on 08 Sep 2019
You got this!
Di on 08 Sep 2019
And you went in twice, on the coldest water day of the year - legends! Ka pai. Our oceans rejoice : )
John on 08 Sep 2019
Well done.Proud of you all

Who's involved?

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Created by Swim to save (Group)
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 20 Aug 2019 and ended on 14 Oct 2019.