Say My Name: a fund to help trans people in the Waikato change identity documents

$1,790 donated
Given by 27 generous donors in one year

This will financially support trans people in the Waikato to change their names and gender identity markers on official documents


Currently, it is a time-consuming and expensive process for trans people to change names and gender identity markers on official documents. We want the law to change, to make this easier.

But the cost involved that means many trans people can't afford all the changes outright. It means we often have identity documents that don't all say the same thing, making engagement with official processes a bit of a nightmare, really. It's stressful, it's risky, and it means we are sometimes outed without being able to do anything about it.

All the money you donate to this fund will go directly to helping with the cost of these changes for people who can't afford them. There are similar funds in other parts of the country, and we want our trans whānau in the Waikato to have this support as well.

The fund will be held and administered by Rainbow Hub Waikato (formerly Waikato Queer Youth)

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 Aug 2021
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 15 Aug 2021
Rebekah on 05 Aug 2021
Anna on 01 Aug 2021
Priya on 31 Jul 2021

Who's involved?

Bex Fraser's avatar
Created by Bex Fraser
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 26 Jul 2021 and ended on 26 Jul 2022.