Shave for the NZ farming kaikoura earthquake relief fund.

$1,140 of $1,000 goal
Given by 24 generous donors in 7 days

Out of principle no clippers have touched my head since January. each $10 goes in the draw to do the honours of shaving this masterpiece.


I'm wanting to get in behind the work the NZ farming team is doing around the kaikoura region.

I'd like to people who have called me homeless, hobo, Forrest Gump, Saddam Hussain, Jesus, dickhead, lumber jack or disgusting (mum) to stump up with some coin to help with the work those guys are doing.

In return.......

1) you'll feel good about doing it.

2) each $10 donation goes in a draw to do the honours of clipping/trimming/cutting my wonderfull facial hair goodness into what ever creation you'd like, I'll live with that for 24hours then it'll all come off.

3) you'll get the pleasure of viewing my face in its naked state for an indefinite period.

So get into it. Depending on the winner I may/or may not clean the egg yoke,aioli and tail paint from the depths of my beard.

Just make a donation screen shot the transaction, send to me and I'll sort 1 entry per $10 donated.

Latest donations

Macca & soph
Macca & soph on 25 Nov 2016
Nige and Tiff
Nige and Tiff on 24 Nov 2016
The Birds
The Birds on 21 Nov 2016
Job Caleb. Look forward to the result
Barb & Ken Cuthill
Barb & Ken Cuthill on 21 Nov 2016
So-Beer Family
So-Beer Family on 21 Nov 2016

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This campaign started on 19 Nov 2016 and ended on 26 Nov 2016.