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Shaving off my Dreads for the Breast Cancer Foundation

  • A message from me

      13 August 2018
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    To everyone who donated and to everyone who has supported my mum and I during this first leg I just want to say thank you. I know that “thank you” is thrown around a lot but honestly every message, every donation, every hug and every moment of kindness during this last month has meant the absolute world to me. It has definitely made the hard days easier and I am incredibly grateful to be surrounded by such amazing people every day.

    When I created the give a little page I didn’t expect such a wonderful response. It is crazy to see what an impact can be made when everyone comes together to make a difference. $4,403.83 is an unbelievable total and has the opportunity to create an astounding difference. The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation is a not-for-profit charitable trust and all of the support that they provide to those affected by breast cancer is reliant on donors like yourselves. In the past twenty years, the mortality rate for breast cancer in New Zealand has dropped by nearly 30%. If nothing else, I hope that my mum’s diagnosis encourages women and men to get regular mammograms.

    To my mum. To come out and tell everyone about your diagnosis was an incredibly brave and inconceivably hard thing for you to do, but I am beyond proud of you for doing so. You are not one to ask for help, and I know that it took a great deal of courage for you to tell those that love you about your diagnosis. I cannot begin to imagine the strength that took. Your optimism is inspiring and your honestly on the bad days is brave. You are my mum, you’ve taken care of me time and time again when I’ve fallen and been hurt and I love you with all of my heart. I am so proud of you, there are no words to describe how extraordinary I think you are.

    Thank you one last time to everyone for the support. I can’t even think of the words to describe how grateful I am to such an amazing network of people that surround my family and I. You guys make my heart warm.

    Thank you xx

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  • Thank you from mum

      13 August 2018
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    First and foremost, thank you to everyone for so generously supporting Zoë’s shave for Breast Cancer Foundation NZ. At the time of posting this update the dreadlocks have been off for a fortnight, she’s sporting a very cute #2 buzz cut, and has raised an incredible $4,404 which is way beyond both her and our expectations (check out the photos in the gallery tab of her Givealittle page). We know these funds will go a long way towards helping other women and their whānau who are affected every day by a breast cancer diagnosis.

    Given the average of eight women diagnosed in NZ daily it is probable, since my own diagnosis in early June, that over 500 more women are now facing their own treatment regimes. And by virtue of that ripple effect, this equates to 500 more families and support networks who are consequently now dealing with this on a day-to-day basis. Alongside BCFNZ’s work to support those recently diagnosed, they also have a strong emphasis on education, early detection, treatment, and research. I am grateful they are there for me and, through the generosity of friends, it is such a privilege to be associated in giving something back to them.

    Cancer is not fun. This update should have been posted a couple of weeks ago and sincere apologies for my tardiness. Having been generally well, upbeat, calm and confident in my ability to tackle this unexpected intrusion, I was totally unprepared for the wheels to fall off in the lead up to and the days following my second chemo treatment. Becoming a chrome dome overnight was also more confronting than I expected (#nohairdontcare – well, I guess I did care just a wee bit, even if one of my dearest friends waxed lyrical over what a great shaped head I have!). Emotionally and physically I’m now doing much better and am developing more effective coping strategies to help over the coming months. Two chemo sessions down, four to go, before surgery and radiation.

    Many of you have continued to text, email, phone, and/or call in to see us. There have been offers of prayers, positive energy and kind thoughts. Offers of meals, coffee dates, beach walks, weekends away, or anything else we need. There has been a fair share of mutual tears, an equal measure of wonderful belly ache laughter, and so much love. Thank you all – I know I’ve said it before, but we are overwhelmed and humbled to share this speed bump with people who exude such generosity of spirit. We note some donations were from either private donors or no surname provided, and we have been unable to thank you personally – please accept this as our personal thank you note.

    Finally to Zoë. Words fail me baby girl. I don’t believe it’s an exaggeration to say for most 19 year old girls, their hair is their crowning glory. You so selflessly whipping yours off (not only to support me but to support such a great cause) took courage, determination and a vision for a better world. So it goes without saying, that a better world needs more people like you. Love you to the moon and back (you know how many times).

    Many thanks and much love to you all, Nicki xx (with hugs also from Roger and Devon)

    #breastcancerfoundation #ivegotthis #nohairdontcare

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  • A message from Mum

      24 July 2018

    Thank you to everyone who has so generously supported Zoë with her fundraiser for Breast Cancer Foundation NZ. The Foundation’s vision is to prevent New Zealanders developing and dying from breast cancer and to improve the quality of life of those who have the disease. Their support of us since diagnosis has been invaluable and it’s a privilege, through Zoë’s fundraiser, to be associated with giving something back. Many of you have donated anonymously and we are unable to thank you personally, but please know that your support and kind words means such a lot to us.

    Roger, Zoë, Devon and I have been overwhelmed with the many messages of support, texts, emails, phone calls sending prayers, kind thoughts, positive energy, good karma, etc. As a family we are feeling incredibly blessed to have such beautiful people in our lives. Simply put, thank you.

    We continue to be amazed by Zoë’s incredible act of selfless generosity. Zoë has wanted dreads for years and it became her new look not long after she started uni last year. She absolutely rocks them and to now be losing them breaks my heart. But she won't be swayed and as I prepare for my second chemo session in the coming days, no doubt we'll be rocking matching looks very soon (photos to follow).

    Many thanks and much love to you all xx

    #breastcancerfoundation #ivegotthis

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