Shaving my locks to raise money for medical research
2022 started with a dear friend to so many of us tragically passing away. Hayden Baker left a massive hole in our collective lives, hearts and social feeds. He was a magnificent hairy soul, a man of mirth and tom foolery.
We miss him dearly. None more than his darling family.
Now, it turns out it’s time for a ‘from one extreme to the other’ head shave so it's all coming off to raise money for medical research in Hayden's name.
So, if you will get any entertainment value from me shedding the locks at the end of a gnarly set of clippers, or simply relish my embarrassment in the process, I’m asking you to donate.
I’m raising money for the Malaghan Institute whose research into the immune system will hopefully lead to prevention and cures for many poorly understood diseases that take or limit the lives of many kiwis. This was an important institution during Hayden's fight and in discussion with Cath Baker, one that she would like to see supported.
It seems fitting that the bonds of friendship with Hayden started in a research agency, and while studying the subjective vagueries of marketing pales in comparison to decade-long research programs to protect us from lives cut short, it seems fitting.
So, game on, hair off.
Buzz cut is set for Monday the 19th of December.
My daughter raised $4,000 when she shaved her head.
I told her I had way more friends than her so I would easily beat that.