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Shorts 4 Hospice - SLT (Senior Leadership Team)

$100 of $4,000 goal
Given by 4 generous donors in 5 weeks

The SLT at Waipuna Hospice is raising money for Shorts4Hospice appeal. Shorts, Shorter, Shortest-what we get to wear at on the 21st July?

Bay of Plenty

This month we challenge ourselves to bare the legs to raise money for Shorts4Hospice. Friday 21 June is the day when we ask you, your friends and colleagues to wear shorts in support of Waipuna Hospice.

The Waipuna Hospice Senior Leadership Team (SLT) is raising money for Waipuna Hospice. With the theme 'Shorts, Shorter and Shortest' the amount you donate will mean the shorts get shorter OR double the amount to have the shorts get longer again on the Board members. ;-) What would YOU like to see/not see?!

Life is short – make it count!

Senior Leadership Team's involvement (page creator)

The Waipuna Hospice Senior Leadership Team (SLT) is raising fund for Waipuna Hospice. We are passionate about the work we do. So to support the great work of Waipuna Hospice, we decide to go extra miles and help raising much needed fund. Please come on board and support us raise $4000 for Waipuna Hospice and see if we can get to the shortest! Thank you you all for your support.

Latest update

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The start of the Shorts challenge!  5 June 2019

Thanks team for popping your shorts on in supporting the start of our challenge - shorts - shorter and shortest! We have a head start before the Board team!

Thank you very much everyone. :)

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Latest donations

Higgins on 05 Jun 2019
Love the incentive! 😳👍
Debbie on 05 Jun 2019
Richard on 05 Jun 2019
All the best team...here's hoping we beat the Waipuna Hospice Board Members give-a-little page!
Becky on 05 Jun 2019
Lets do this team!
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 31 May 2019 and ended on 9 Jul 2019.