Sophia's Fit to Fight Challenge 2021

$1,410 donated
Given by 39 generous donors in 8 weeks

My 'Fit to Fight' Challenge to support Wood For The Trees.


Over 8 weeks, I'll be taking part in Boxing Alley's 'Fit to Fight' challenge, training like a boxer and raising funds for my chosen charity, before putting everything to the test in a final body-sparring event.

I’ll be raising money for Wood For The Trees.

It’s a charity that helps New Zealanders struggling with mental health.

Wood For The Trees helps raise awareness. The more awareness of mental health we have the more people can get the support they need.

With suicide, depression, anxiety and many other mental illnesses on the rise in New Zealand it is now, more than ever important to have conversations, to be supportive and do all that we can to help others.

I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety for a long time. It took me so long to realise I was not the only one struggling with this and getting support was one of the most difficult things.

Personally exercise has helped my mental health so much. By taking part in the 8 week challenge, I am taking a major step out of my comfort zone and i’m so nervous and excited.

Latest update

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Thank you 💙  30 May 2021

Thank you so much to everyone for donating 🙌🏻 I’m currently just finished week 3!! We go into week 4 next week and it’s time to increase the training ✨✨✨ you’re all amazing thank you for the support

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Join us and support the participants of Boxing Alley's 'Fit To Fight' challenge who are fundraising for their chosen charities!

Latest donations

Karl on 09 Jul 2021
Joe on 02 Jul 2021
You got this Soph. Sorry I couldn't make it tonight but it appeared to be sold out when I went to buy a ticket. Hope this makes up for it.
Jodie on 02 Jul 2021
Go Soph!!! Wish we were there. Xx
Ally on 01 Jul 2021
Eve on 29 Jun 2021
Yes Soph best twin

Who's involved?

Sophia Trussell Cullen's avatar
Created by Sophia Trussell Cullen
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 13 May 2021 and ended on 11 Jul 2021.