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Spandex Delivery Managers for KidsCan

  • We've made it to 3 million!

      30 September 2022

    With all of our steps tallied up until midnight last night (29th) we've taken 3,018,146 steps.

    This challenge has been a great experience for us all, leaving us feel energised and more connected. The daily banter in our team chat has kept us going, and it has been awesome to see everyone pull together and support each other to reach this massive goal.

    Thanks again to everyone who has donated - and if you are still planning to, then please do before the page closes tonight!

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  • Almost half way!

      14 September 2022
    Main image

    We've been wearing out the soles of our shoes and are almost at the half way point - in terms of days, steps, and donations.

    Thank you to everyone who has donated so far, we really appreciate your generosity :D

    At 13 days in (up until midnight last night), we've cumulatively taken 1.36 million steps. This puts us a tantalising 82.5k steps from 'reaching' the Porirua store - we should surpass that with today's numbers. We're also a little above our team step target of 100k steps per day - and that 3 million step goal is definitely in our sights!

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