Let's all help others to gain confidence and enjoy life through the participation of Riding for the Disabled.
Bay of Plenty
Ever thought that you could bring joy to someone else's life. Yes, you can! By sponsoring someone to walk to the top of the Mount in the Everest Challenge, you will be helping others who may not be able to do the things that you can do. Life is not always easy for some people and those that participate in the sessions for Riding for the Disabled, not only gain confidence in learning new skills by interacting with the horses but they also build reciprocal relationships with the staff and others, that contributes to their social well-being. We all want to have a sense of belonging in this world and the valued staff at Riding for the Disabled are caring, talented and skilled in creating a safe environment that benefits everyone who participates. So let's get behind them, support this Give a little page with whatever you can, it will be greatly appreciated.
We support Riding for the Disabled because it's a fantastic opportunity for children and adults to engage with horses, allowing them to grow in life and fulfil their potential.
The Mount Everest Challenge is back! Join us and Climb the Mount 38 times in 50 days to raise money for Tauranga Riding for the Disabled.