Stephs 10km Challenge

$540 of $200 goal
Given by 26 generous donors in 4 weeks

Running 10km to fundraise for Life Education Trust Canterbury!


Life Education Trust - Canterbury (Providing Canterbury children with a wealth of knowledge on Health, Wellbeing and Nutrition)

Running 10km to fundraise for Life Education Trust Canterbury!

Participating in

Christchurch Marathon Hoof it with Harold for Life Education

Christchurch Marathon Hoof it with Harold for Life Education

Latest donations

Sanrda Meacheam
Sanrda Meacheam on 21 May 2014
Good Work Stephy! Love the Meachys
Krystle Phillips
Krystle Phillips on 20 May 2014
Good Luck Steph....
Laura woods
Laura woods on 19 May 2014
JW & SJ van der Poel
JW & SJ van der Poel on 16 May 2014
All the best Steph - good cause!!
Maureen McIntyre
Maureen McIntyre on 13 May 2014
Go Steph, a great cause

Who's involved?

Steph Philburn's avatar
Created by Steph Philburn
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This campaign started on 29 Apr 2014 and ended on 29 May 2014.