a week since and new photos up
3 April 2010Oh my word... a week on from Relay already! Have put up some photos, and there are more to be sucked outta the camera yet. As you'll see, there were warm-ups, there were dress-ups, the survivors and carers lap,? the fabulous Wellington Batucada leading the crowd, loads of whanau, friends and funtimes... team Stitched Up had an amazing Relay! Great big ups to Marti and Marion our team survivors who lasted on the track or in the marquee throughout the entire event, and Rachael who managed to stay awake the whole time too! Great big ups to all members of team Stitched up who together ensured we had people on the track at all times, and that we'd the bestest Relay. Very looking forward to our team ""debrief"" dinner next week! Huge thanks to all of our supporters, without you we couldn't have achieved what we have both in terms of our fundraising or our during Relay For Life itself - you're brilliant, cheers!