Support a great cause The Hawke's Bay Hundy Run!! Kool Runnings

$1,433 of $2,000 goal
Given by 22 generous donors in 10 weeks

Emergency Services Relay Run for Mental Health. "It takes a team, You don't go through it alone"

Hawke's Bay

Emergency service personnel see the effects of mental health in our society on a daily basis. Often this constant exposure to emotional and tragic events causes our own to suffer from mental health issues as well. This event is a way to raise funds, awareness and to help those suffering from mental health and break the cycle.

The Hawkes Bay Hundy is a 100km Team Relay Event on Saturday 26 September 2020. The race will start at Bayview Fire Station and follow the Hawke's Bay i-Ways, parks and reserves through Taradale, Napier, Clive, Haumoana, Havelock North and finishing at the Hastings Fire Station. The course is divided into 14 legs ranging from 5 to 10km, so will accommodate and be a challenge for both the novice and experienced runner.

Teams will compete for line honours as well as total funds raised. So please support you friends and family teams that are competing to raise funds for the many who suffer from mental health in our community.

All funds raised are going to STAROS. STAROS run support groups, workshops and events for individuals and families that have been affected by suicide.

Hannah Peta's involvement (page creator)

Welcome to the fundraising page for Kool Runnings.

We are not marathon runners. Some of us will be running these distances for the very first time! But we are 14 guys and girls who are willing to give it a go and give back to our community.

Participating in

The Hawkes Bay Hundy 2020

100km Team Relay Event for Mental Health

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 Sep 2020
Cash given by dental centre
Cash given by dental centre on 24 Sep 2020
From the rest of dental.
Niki on 23 Sep 2020
Go Kara!!
Eileen on 23 Sep 2020
Grace on 22 Sep 2020
Great cause, enjoy the run!

Who's involved?

Hannah Peta's avatar
Created by Hannah Peta
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This campaign started on 1 Aug 2020 and ended on 11 Oct 2020.