Support Staros who supports those affected by suicide

$590 donated
Given by 17 generous donors in 22 days

STAROS - Simple but powerful...there for us who have been touched by suicide

Hawke's Bay

I've organised a team to run the Hundy.....100km to raise funds for STAROS. So many people in many ways have been touched by suicide. Two of my siblings have died by suicide. STAROS has been there to support me when my sister died 10 years ago. Their gentle and caring ways of just being there, has been a wonderful backstop, as I grieved.

There is so much power in having someone who just listens to your story, which can help to erelease and share held in feelings that we are too scared to feel. Being vulnerable can be a challenge for many of us. As humans we all have the same kind of emotions/thoughts/beliefs.

STAROS create a safe space where we can connect and know that others understand our stories. There is no judgement, just a cuppa, choccie biscuits and listening ears, with no pressure to talk. Through STAROS, Warren has supported me whenever I have needed it. STAROS is determined to make positive changes to our community by encouraging us to talk and share experiences.

Simple, but powerful. Its ok to not be ok.

Marija Helena's involvement (page creator)

I have been supported by Staros a lot since losing my sister to suicide. There was no suicide support group at the time, and they are so committed to supporting the community as much as they are able. All the support Staros gets spreads the love!!

Participating in

The Hawkes Bay Hundy 2020

100km Team Relay Event for Mental Health

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 Sep 2020
Tania on 27 Sep 2020
Mum on 26 Sep 2020
So proud of you/1
Trish and Stu
Trish and Stu on 26 Sep 2020
Great effort everyone for such an important cause
Hawea on 26 Sep 2020
Great stuff runners

Who's involved?

Marija Helena's avatar
Created by Marija Helena
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This campaign started on 11 Sep 2020 and ended on 3 Oct 2020.